Q. What sorts of people come to the club?
We get all sorts - you could call it a lively mixture. Some clubgoers live and work very locally whilst others commute into office jobs in the centre of town and come boxing to relieve their white-collar stress. Ages range through kids who come along with their dads (and sometimes mums), through teenagers, and a diverse crowd of 20-40 somethings. Probably our oldest regular at the moment is in his 50s. The club is popular with women - we have half-a-dozen regulars and many more who come in and out.
Q. What should I wear?
Q. Sparring in the boxing ring?
Q. Will I lose weight and tone up?
Oh yes - as long as you come regularly. You can wave goodbye to beer guts and double chins or wobbly bums if you show up a couple of times a week and watch what you eat (which is much easier if you’re enjoying your exercising). We can advise you on diet if need be, but I generally find that those who have the motivation to come to the club regularly, also have the motivation to stick to a bit of a diet. Recently, for example, one of our male boxers has trimmed down over a few months by several stone into a lean, mean fighting machine and one of our female boxers will tell you she has dropped two dress sizes. All that said, you’ll certainly tone up from the exercise alone, so if you’re happy with your weight, but just want to look a bit firmer, that works too.
Q. How fit do I need to be to start with?
If you’ve already got some level of fitness - great. If you don’t, well you soon will. The beauty of the circuit arrangement we work to is that you get a minute’s break every three minutes, or you can even sit out a three-minute block if you’re knackered. All shapes and sizes come to the club. We’ve got some superfit male and female supermodels, of course, but the majority of clubgoers will forgive me for saying we’re all pretty normal really